Kenpo cost me $40. That's how much I had to pay my chiropractor this afternoon and she fixed me up and I felt great! It was fantastic to work out (for about 30 minutes) with no crunching or twinging. Then, well, then came back kicks and apparently that was a dumb thing for me to do right after having been adjusted, so now my lower back/hip is out of whack again and I am going to have to go back to see Dr. Bevis again soon. Which I don't mind too much because she is awesome, but still for $40 I would have liked to have felt better for longer. :) As I mentioned, Kenpo was tonight's poison of choice, and it went much better than last time, considering that it didn't make me blow chunks this time. That is ALWAYS a bonus. :D
On another note, I am going to buy a "wildlife" camera. One of those things that is activated when an animal steps in front of it to (innocently) eat some corn that some thoughtful person has strewn out on the ground for them. *Side note, why would a deer or something come loping along thru the woods and see some dried corn lying there, dozens of miles from the closest Feed 'n' Seed, and think, "Oo. Goodie! I shall partake of this yummy, tasty treat!" Didn't their mothers ever teach them not to eat things left behind by strangers?!*
Anyways, I am going to put up a camera because I want to exactly what villainous woodland creature is setting my dogs off on their maniacal baking fits. Audrey thinks it is a bear. But, she also thinks that motorcycles zooming past us in traffic are bears, too. She has an active imagination, that one. Bishop makes sure to sling extra webs at the woods just in case it is something he, as Spiderman, can keep at bay. Me? I just have these visions of a deer or a turkey "mooning" the dogs and taunting them with their tasty hindquarters. In actuality, it is probably the most dangerous, most fiendish, most gruesome...(pause for dramatic effect) branch laying on the ground. And the dogs think it is a bear...
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