Today I start, drum roll please...., WEEK NUMBER FOUR OF P90X!!! (dull roar of crowd cheering in the background) Wooohooooo!!!! This means that with the exception of missing Valentine's Day and Thursday's work out that I had to do yesterday (on my rest day), I have 22 days under my belt! I am seeing differences already and I am looking forward to the changes to come. I am finding myself pushing harder and working for more and that proves to me that I am committed! (Or, that I need to BE committed... ;) )
Last night was Kenpo X. After having had a little less than 5 hours sleep the night before, starting at 10pm, and not having a really good dinner (Cripser's Polynesian Crap Stack gets a big ol' thumbs down), I could tell that it was going to be a rough work out 10 minutes in. But I still pushed through and did my best until about the last 7 minutes and then my stomach was like, "Yeah. Um. You are done.". I couldn't even cool down, just needed to throw up and shower and then laid down and I don't think I got back up until this morning. :) This is not indicative of how I usually feel during the work outs, so to any of you thinking of starting the program, it's not the "norm" that you barf and pass out, I swear. It just goes to show you how you really need to take in calories to have the energy to do this and that they need to be the right kind of fuel.
Tonight is Yoga X and I am going to try to get Danny to do it with me because you know what they say, "The family that pains together stays together"! :)
remember to get enough food, no crashing! great job! :D