Saturday, February 5, 2011

Virgin Blog

Alright. I have joined the 21st century and I thank it for welcoming me with open arms (and not the wedgie and noogie I was expecting). This will most likely serve as a place for me to expound on the antics of my children, rant about social issues that cause the vein in the middle of my forehead to do the samba, and wax philosophically (if I have the right amount of wine, anyways). I am also hoping to use it for the next little while as an accountability tool for my attempt at getting in serious shape. I hope to make it entertaining and something that others besides myself (and my Mom, because moms always have to read the crap their children write) will want to read. Occasionally. So, here goes nothing:

Tonight I begin my insane, ill advised, and positively FRIGHTENING trip into the world of P90X. My husband did the program a couple of years ago and really hated/loved it, but wasn't getting enough rest, so it was difficult to recover. Then about a year ago my best friend, Kate, did it and just had RIDICULOUS results because she was very, very dedicated to it and basically made it her bitch! So, in an effort to get into good enough shape that I might ditch my muu-muu for a bathing suit (oh, and that whole get healthy, live a long life, blah blah blah thing) I shall give this my very best effort. If I am able to type tomorrow, I hope to be able to share my experience, or, at the very least, an entertaining anecdote.


  1. oh this had me giggling....LOVE that u finally decided to write, YAY!!! Will have to read this too "sticky bun" on occasion...;) reminds me of living together, never a dull moment...will be the same for this new endeavor of yours, how cool!!!

    Hope u "brought it" tnit when u did ur workout girl, like Tony always says, "Do your Best & Forget the Rest."

    Your great at everything u attempt to do, this is no exception!

    Much Love, K.

  2. lol, I'll work on a story for Sticky Bun. :D Thanks for the support and inspiration!
    Super Loves!!
