Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Kids Are Alright. :)

Readers of my blog, REJOICE! A non-workout related entry, woohoo!!! :) Instead, it centers around the only other thing I talk about: my kids.
 This morning I woke up to both of them in my bed, snuggled up together next to me like little angels. I silently crept into the bathroom and showered and silently opened the door back up... to find them jumping on the bed like monkeys with a death wish. I tried to close the door and re-open the "time/space continuum" to get back to where they were before, but alas...
This whole evening they have been playing so wonderfully together, using their imaginations, flashing back and forth between pretending to be characters at the speed only achieved by a child's mind. They have been Rainbow Bright, Spiderman, Venom, Tinkerbell, Wolverine, Carnage, Black Cat, Sarah, Scarlett, Starlight, the kids from the tv show Avatar, and their own crazy selves.
Earlier when I was cooking dinner, Audrey went to the bathroom. After she is done, she always yells, "Mooooom, I'm all DONE!". sInce I was busy and since she forgot to get toilet paper BEFORE she sat down, I asked Bishop to hand her some, which he did. A few minutes ago she went again and instead of yelling to me, she went, " Biiiiiiishop, I'm all DONE!"... I might never have to wipe another booty again! This having kids thing is HANDY!

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