Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Be afraid... be VERY afraid...

You can't tell from reading this, but I am whispering. I am afraid if that workout heard me talking bad about it, it would go find several of it's burliest friends and come back and stomp (whatever is left of) my a**. So, turn the volume up if you can't hear me and listen to my newest and greatest enemy. It is called...*looks over shoulder*... Legs and Back... SHHHHH!!!! Holy mother of destroyed ability to walk! Don't take that one for granted, kids! I had to scoot over here to the computer on my butt and apparently Bishop didn't pick up all his superheroes, because Captain America and I became QUITE intimate... Legs and Back (a.k.a. Fire and Brimstone) consists of an hour of chin up/pull ups and various lunges/squats of epic proportions. My right knee was giving me some concern, so I had to modify the exercises in order to keep from doing any harm. I am finding myself to be stronger in my left leg, but more flexible in my right, which is something I understand to be pretty common, but I am hoping that my right and left leg don't develop some sort of "sibling rivalry" and start lashing out at each other... I'm clumsy enough as it is. Added on to the end of... *glances under table*... Legs and Back, was the every horrifying Ab Ripper X. This is the 3rd time I've done it this week and while my legs were wasted and thus  making it harder on some of the moves, I found that I was able to do markedly better. There's Day 5 down, only 85 more to go. Crap. Now I'm depressed...

Anyways, on a kid related note, I was getting Audrey in her jammies and I over heard Bishop talking out in the living room, and when I asked him what he said, he told me: "I pledge leegance to de flag of de United Spates of Amerdica and to de Republix for which dit stands, one nation, under God, wit biberty and dustice for all"
<3!!!! I was so freaking proud, I wanted to go grab a flag and just wave it around while humming America The Beautiful!! That boy is a SPONGE! And, at this point, probably has it better memorized than Christina Aguillera!


  1. Awe, how cute! He said the pledge. That is a lot to remember. Heck, even I forget the order sometimes. :)

    Awesome job for completing day number 5. You are doing fabulous!

  2. Go Bishop & Go YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It WILL get easier, well...kinda....;) xoxoxox Love u!!
